Pouring money and countless hours into a band can create tense conditions between members because the stakes are so high. Here are some tips to have those difficult conversations with each other.
Approach Conversations With Empathy
This won’t always make things easier on your end but it will help tough conversations go as smoothly as possible.
Leave Emotion Out Of It
Instead of jumping into a conversation with the intent to win, prove a point, or hurt someone, take some time to figure out your own emotions first. Your own emotions are valid. Acknowledge them, figure them out, then, sit down to talk professionally.
Figure Out What You Want To Say And How To Say It
If you can, write the things down that you want to discuss with your band or individual members beforehand. It would help you to get whatever’s been banging around inside your head out and in the open. Also, it helps you discern your feelings and narrow down what’s bothering you and what needs to be done to fix it.
Be As Kind As Possible
Making a real effort to be kind during difficult conversations will help you get the most out of any confrontation. For example, right now, you might 100% believe you can’t work with a bandmate ever again, but, will you feel that way in a year? Maybe, but kindness will leave that door open in case you ever change your mind.