4 Tips For Having Difficult Conversations With Your Bandmates

Pouring money and countless hours into a band can create tense conditions between members because the stakes are so high. Here are some tips to have those difficult conversations with each other.

Approach Conversations With Empathy

This won’t always make things easier on your end but it will help tough conversations go as smoothly as possible.

Leave Emotion Out Of It

Instead of jumping into a conversation with the intent to win, prove a point, or hurt someone, take some time to figure out your own emotions first. Your own emotions are valid. Acknowledge them, figure them out, then,  sit down to talk professionally.

Figure Out What You Want To Say And How To Say It

If you can, write the things down that you want to discuss with your band or individual members beforehand. It would help you to get whatever’s been banging around inside your head out and in the open. Also, it helps you discern your feelings and narrow down what’s bothering you and what needs to be done to fix it.

Be As Kind As Possible

Making a real effort to be kind during difficult conversations will help you get the most out of any confrontation. For example, right now, you might 100% believe you can’t work with a bandmate ever again, but, will you feel that way in a year? Maybe, but kindness will leave that door open in case you ever change your mind.



Mixing Tips / Getting Started

There are many ways to approach mixing your music. Here are some workflow basics that can help you be more productive at the process.


If you’re mixing someone else’s song speak to the producer, band members, or artist. Find out what they envision for the mix. If you’re mixing your own song, send a rough draft to a friend whose ears you can trust and discuss it with them. Let them know your intentions for the mix and ask for constructive feed back.


When you initially finish recording your music export a rough mix right away to compare to your finished product. Let the rough mix be a starting point for how your mix should sound. Take notes of the elements in your rough mix that stand out and aim to make those better.


Reference a song that has a similar sound to the one you are aiming to achieve. The mix of this song will help direct your decision making throughout the process.


Color-code groups of tracks to easily visualize where you are in the session. Make all of your vocal tracks one color and all of your drum tracks another, name the tracks, and arrange your tracks in an order that you’re familiar with.

These are some key ways to keep your mix session organized and productive.


4 Signs Of Creative Stagnation In Your Music

We as musicians at some point have all had a mental block of some sort. Weather it be writers block or just lack of creativity; to no avail it will happen. Most of the time a small change is all that’s needed to disrupt this occurrence.

Feeling loss of passion and drive

If you aren’t motivated to make music, you very well can become stagnant. Absent passion, why would you put the time and work into creating your music? You wouldn’t. You need to have fun in order to restore your passion or at least sincere enjoyment of the process. Who wouldn’t be passionate about something they enjoy doing? Find the fun and the drive will come.

Viewing music making as a chore

A lot of tedious work does come with sustaining a music career. It can be a lot for an artist to take on the majority of their administrative duties themselves like booking shows, planning tours, and promoting themselves. What’s your purpose? Your purpose for creating must outweigh the emotional affect everything it entails may carry. If your purpose isn’t good enough genuinely then you need to reevaluate how you spend your time.

Writing the same song over constantly

A lot of us get in the habit of writing the same music for months or even years because if feels safe to do so and predictable. As a result, your music can seem less meaningful. Making the conscious effort to let curious nature shape your creative process will help you if you are unable to write something truly new or different.

Not gaining new opportunities after years of work

A lack of music opportunities could be because your creatively stuck and unable to make work that resonates with people. Music is a brutal industry to compete in. This can be a hard pill to swallow however, committing to dropping everything in your music career to focus on creating the best work you can may help.


Is Colorado a great place for exciting new music?

Judging from our debut almost a year ago at our launch party; we would say definitely! Our organization had a great start. Like a lot of new businesses, road blocks were expected and met. The great news is we are still here and have been steadily growing despite all of these new worldly delays. Sustaining an agency founded upon live exposure for musical talent proves quite a challenge through these times of Covid-19. Yet and still the show must go on.

What can you expect next from THCT?

The Sunday Power Hour will be brought back on the 12th of July every other Sunday. Each show the genre will alternate so we can cover the widest range of raw musical talent in our surrounding Denver, CO area. There will be no requests. We will reach out and pick the artist and or band ourselves. Written artist reviews will also be featured on our site as well as the return of our video interviews. Also we will blog out all industry or useful information we obtain for the benefit our all of our featured artists. Our main aim is and always has been deserving artist and or band exposure. All previous content will be archived on our site for 2019.

What can you not expect from THCT?

Even if you don’t mind performing for a small crowd; we don’t plan on going that route. It has been a stretch since the launch party. Yet and still, we don’t want to do it unless we do it big. The 2 volume of our live event had been planned to return this summer but due to business restrictions stemmed from Covid-19 we would be unable to reach a significant amount of attendance until all restrictions are lifted. Therefore no live events until further notice. When our live events return you can still count on our same night payout for artists as well as definitive new fan reach for our participants.

In the meanwhile, the site will be going through some changes. It will stay live with no down time. Just expect it to appear a bit different every visit over the next few weeks.

Finally, we want to wish everyone a healthy rest of 2020. This is an opportune time for all of you creatives out there to meet the high demand of content for a partially quarantined society. Show us what you got. We want to show you to the world.

grow with us here:





You shouldn't compare yourself to other artists..

Don’t compare yourself to others. It leads to no personal growth.

Even if you feel like you cant be topped, musically or creatively, there will always be others who feel they can top you. Remember, music is meant to be heard and yours isn’t the only music out there. People will listen to and like other artist’s more than you. It is bound to happen. You don’t want to stunt your personal growth worrying about such things. If you constant;y feel negative, may even envious, about another artist’s content, how can you effectively feel positive emotions about your own?

A win is a win. Even a small victory is still a victory. You should see it for what it is and not just for what it looks like. You should celebrate each and every one publicly or in private. It certainly will have a positive effect on your mind.

You should recognize the achievements of others as well. Even if you aren’t happy for someone else, trying to be ,sincerely, build character. The fact of the matter is, you wont stay in first place forever. Therefore, you should congratulate others who’s work ethic rivals your own. Eventually you will feel genuine about it and benefit from the growth and worthy competition. Ultimately you will evolve.

Opportunities come and go. Even if it seems like other artists get more stage time than you be patient. Your time will come. Not landing one opportunity just means that you are free for the very next. Don’t let us and keep on working hard. It will all pay off in the end.

Be humble. Talking down on someone is not necessary for your growth and development, Very often it is a sign of insecurity and envy. Be grateful for your fans that you do have and just enjoy the music. Learn all that you can from your peers around you and find that star deep within. Remember there is a thin line between hate and critique.

Stay in your lane and be yourself. Only you can be you the best. You will surely fail trying to mimic someone else. Only they can be them. Once you fully recognize your own unique traits and talent, you won’t feel the need to try and copy someone else. Let your passion fuel your motive and drive, and you will travel further today than you did yesterday.

We are all looking to grow. Grow with us!

check out our video on this topic here and subscribe!

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Launch Party Success!!

On July 21st 2019 in Historical Five Points Downtown Denver, The Homegrown Capitol Tours, also known as “THCT”, launched their debut event for the local artists of all genres in Denver and the surrounding areas. Being brought into fruition by a local artist himself with not many business connections, the initial concept of this type a showcase took close to over a year to prepare for. The acts were screened through auditions. Not all of them, but around 90%. The promotion was free. It still is. The main goal was to create a genuine outlet for artists to grow as their own brand, as well as earn a great reputation within the city for “THCT”. Many people said that bringing multiple genres together would not work and would clash. It was found out that as long as your acts are picked carefully the result very well can be the opposite. Many obstacles were faced leading up to the event such as those typical to a brand new showcase with no prior reviews to go on. None the less, it was successful without a hitch! With the help of a local band named “People Corrupting People” as well as a great partner in production who just happened to be an awesome DJ as well (THERMXKNG), the founder was able to deliver a great show. Now, the next event is being set. The brand is expanding. Last but not least, new local Denver artists will be getting the attention they deserve.