4 Signs Of Creative Stagnation In Your Music

We as musicians at some point have all had a mental block of some sort. Weather it be writers block or just lack of creativity; to no avail it will happen. Most of the time a small change is all that’s needed to disrupt this occurrence.

Feeling loss of passion and drive

If you aren’t motivated to make music, you very well can become stagnant. Absent passion, why would you put the time and work into creating your music? You wouldn’t. You need to have fun in order to restore your passion or at least sincere enjoyment of the process. Who wouldn’t be passionate about something they enjoy doing? Find the fun and the drive will come.

Viewing music making as a chore

A lot of tedious work does come with sustaining a music career. It can be a lot for an artist to take on the majority of their administrative duties themselves like booking shows, planning tours, and promoting themselves. What’s your purpose? Your purpose for creating must outweigh the emotional affect everything it entails may carry. If your purpose isn’t good enough genuinely then you need to reevaluate how you spend your time.

Writing the same song over constantly

A lot of us get in the habit of writing the same music for months or even years because if feels safe to do so and predictable. As a result, your music can seem less meaningful. Making the conscious effort to let curious nature shape your creative process will help you if you are unable to write something truly new or different.

Not gaining new opportunities after years of work

A lack of music opportunities could be because your creatively stuck and unable to make work that resonates with people. Music is a brutal industry to compete in. This can be a hard pill to swallow however, committing to dropping everything in your music career to focus on creating the best work you can may help.