Is Colorado a great place for exciting new music?
Judging from our debut almost a year ago at our launch party; we would say definitely! Our organization had a great start. Like a lot of new businesses, road blocks were expected and met. The great news is we are still here and have been steadily growing despite all of these new worldly delays. Sustaining an agency founded upon live exposure for musical talent proves quite a challenge through these times of Covid-19. Yet and still the show must go on.
What can you expect next from THCT?
The Sunday Power Hour will be brought back on the 12th of July every other Sunday. Each show the genre will alternate so we can cover the widest range of raw musical talent in our surrounding Denver, CO area. There will be no requests. We will reach out and pick the artist and or band ourselves. Written artist reviews will also be featured on our site as well as the return of our video interviews. Also we will blog out all industry or useful information we obtain for the benefit our all of our featured artists. Our main aim is and always has been deserving artist and or band exposure. All previous content will be archived on our site for 2019.
What can you not expect from THCT?
Even if you don’t mind performing for a small crowd; we don’t plan on going that route. It has been a stretch since the launch party. Yet and still, we don’t want to do it unless we do it big. The 2 volume of our live event had been planned to return this summer but due to business restrictions stemmed from Covid-19 we would be unable to reach a significant amount of attendance until all restrictions are lifted. Therefore no live events until further notice. When our live events return you can still count on our same night payout for artists as well as definitive new fan reach for our participants.
In the meanwhile, the site will be going through some changes. It will stay live with no down time. Just expect it to appear a bit different every visit over the next few weeks.
Finally, we want to wish everyone a healthy rest of 2020. This is an opportune time for all of you creatives out there to meet the high demand of content for a partially quarantined society. Show us what you got. We want to show you to the world.
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